


weebly insists on using doctype xhtml 1.1, but doesnt even follow xhtml rules D:< And it wont let me change the doctype either D:<
Chrome finally has print preview! :DDDD (took long enough...)
also, this site doesnt work on psp too well. lol. i tried. it sorta works, but the menu's messed up. lol.
you can now do replys, and specify an email address for alerts when people reply to you. not that there're enough people to make that very useful... also, there's now an rss feed for each set of comments, in case.. idk. in case you're bored? mm... btw reply if i made a fail somewheres..

oh, and use chrome instead of firefox until i can find the reason firefox hates my new script.... sorry about that..
EDIT: I've finished now. more details in the next blog post..

they might be really weird for a couple days. or weeks. idk when ima have time to work on them..

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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.