Sorry for all you IE users out there. The games all have wmode="opaque" property, so the up and down arrow keys will scroll. I don't have a fix for that. Well actually, I do. Just use Chrome. Or at least Firefox. Nothing else I can do. :/ (As you can tell, I don't use IE a lot. So It took me about two months to figure this out...)
Mostly adding more games. I'm sure the "New Anime - October" will be fixed eventually, but that's not my job. So, uh... yeah.
Just because I feel like it. And there's less chance of accidentally hitting a link and losing all progress o.o I'm using the Armor Games free website games page and to download most of the games.

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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.