not even stuffs in the background. i have other stuffs to mess around with first. so um.. yeah. see you in a couple weeks, maybe?
I broke my lmb. annoying me to no end. literally. well. until it fixes itself anyway.




and now i havent touched the site for a while. still thinking of a way to hide the menu without making anything ugly... :/ web design is hard. lol.
I'm thinking about making the body take up the space of the menu too, and having the menu hide somewheres until you hover over the left side or something. Not too sure if i'll be able to though because of the format of the menu in the html that i can edit.. because i cant control all of it.




weebly insists on using doctype xhtml 1.1, but doesnt even follow xhtml rules D:< And it wont let me change the doctype either D:<
you can now do replys, and specify an email address for alerts when people reply to you. not that there're enough people to make that very useful... also, there's now an rss feed for each set of comments, in case.. idk. in case you're bored? mm... btw reply if i made a fail somewheres..

oh, and use chrome instead of firefox until i can find the reason firefox hates my new script.... sorry about that..
Mhm. Added a couple games not on the unadded games list btw. This should become the game blog because thats all that ever gets into here because the anime and art part of the site is all but dead. :/
that means i added a new game.
Sorry for all you IE users out there. The games all have wmode="opaque" property, so the up and down arrow keys will scroll. I don't have a fix for that. Well actually, I do. Just use Chrome. Or at least Firefox. Nothing else I can do. :/ (As you can tell, I don't use IE a lot. So It took me about two months to figure this out...)

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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.