instead of using wmode="transparent" in the <embed> tags, from now on, I'll be using wmode="opaque". "What's the difference?" you might ask. Well basically, transparent makes the background transparent while opaque keeps the color while still putting the embedded object in the right z-index. That means that Avalanche and Bubble Tanks are fixed. And they shouldn't lag as much either, because it's easier to keep the background than to remove it. Duh. It's okay if you didn't understand most of that... A buncha CSS and HTML terms in there. But if you do, then good for you, and remember not to do what I did.
But I've found two other sites with the games I want, so I'll use those if I can't find a game
I think the title shoulda gone here, but then I'd have no title, and that would look even weirder.
You can look at that to see the massive list of games that I'm gonna add eventually. It could take a lot of time though. I'll probably add the best ones first. Just because they're so awesome. But then again it might be safer to add in order of legality... I'm making sure that they let me add games not listed under the "Free Website Games"

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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.