The third episode talks about Maid Latte's Sister Day event which reveals many things about some characters...
In this episode, Misaki discusses Cafe Latte's next event, Sister Day. She observes her sister in the first few seconds of the episode, trying to figure out her sister's behavior. Her idea fails in the end when the topic changes to something completely random. Misaki then arrives at Maid Latte for her shift, but before that, we see her trying to impersonate a younger sister waiting for an older brother, which she FAILS MISERABLY, i dont even know how thats possible...
In this episode, Misaki discusses Cafe Latte's next event, Sister Day. She observes her sister in the first few seconds of the episode, trying to figure out her sister's behavior. Her idea fails in the end when the topic changes to something completely random. Misaki then arrives at Maid Latte for her shift, but before that, we see her trying to impersonate a younger sister waiting for an older brother, which she FAILS MISERABLY, i dont even know how thats possible. Later, when her shift finishes, the manger tells her that she doesn't need to try too hard for Sister Day. In addition to that, the manger also tells Misaki about Maid Ranger's Day, the next event. Although she says that she could be any color maid, Usui appears randomly and says he wants it to be (something that I will not disclose of). The manager is completely absorbed in the "affectionate" conversation that takes place afterward. The next day, the "Three Idiots," who we already met in episode one, sit outside a classroom window and discuss their plans on how to tell Misaki their feeling about her. One of the idiots, Ikuto, reveals himself to be an otaku (an anime/manga loving person in Japanese) and draw Misaki in a maid dress. Usui asks the three idiots what color would suit Misaki the best (since the manager asked). They give weird answers for Usui to consider. Scaring Yukimura (vice-president of student council) away after interrogating him about his sister, the time fast-forwards to lunch, where Misaki is observing other younger sisters. She reads many volumes of books to help her impersonate a younger sister easier. Because it is Sister Day, she has a good start, but a queer dialogue with Usui, who was testing her. Although she snaps out of character, she shows her other younger sister side, which appeals to the customers and surprises the staff. Although she doesn't say it, the credit all goes to Usui to make Misaki act like a younger sister. The next day, Usui REPLIES IN THE MOST EPIC WAY IN REJECTING A CONFESSION. He also wraps Misaki's injury that she got earlier, invoking a funny reply from Misaki. At her part-time job, her manager tells her to not overdo it, but Usui raises the concern that if you worry too much about her, she will work even harder. He then listens to the manager's speech and tells her that Misaki's perfect color for Rangers Day is white.

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    Side Note:

    there's not much, but i promise there will be soon. and please note that there's a Read More thingy on the bottom of each post. some ppl miss tht and start asking. llol 

    Other thing:

    just in case you're wondering. some of the animes may not start at episode 1. eventually we'll add it the episodes we're missing in. so for now just look at the ones we DO have and yeah xD


    March 2011
    October 2010



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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.