If you dont like spoilers...dont read whats below...
The episode's title is "Net Idol, Aoi-chan." Later in the episode, it explains who Aoi is, but for now, she is known as a famous net-idol. After attracting the attention of all the customers in Maid Latte and creating a ruckus, the manager (Satsuki) comes out and finds her niece sitting in the middle of all the attention...
The episode's title is "Net Idol, Aoi-chan." Later in the episode, it explains who Aoi is, but for now, she is known as a famous net-idol. After attracting the attention of all the customers in Maid Latte and creating a ruckus, the manager (Satsuki) comes out and finds her niece sitting in the middle of all the attention. The staff then go to the back where they discuss Aoi's plan on working in the cafe. Although she comes out of the back wearing a maid uniform, she is shocked by Usui's arrival into the cafe. After she asks who he is, she intends to try to make him fall for "her."  There is breaking news in the restaurant because the kitchen staff for the evening can't make it. Misaki overhears this predicament (Usui does to). She proclaims that she cannot cook, but Usui says that he is able to. Satsuki orders hims to make omelet rice, which he creates a variation that the staff seem to adore (Sticky Omelet Rice). He does all of the cooking at AMAZING SPEEDS. He ignores Aoi's request for omelet rice, as he tells "her" to order one. The next day, Aoi comes as a customer. "She" sees Usui and asks him to sit next to "her." Usui flatly refuses the offer of sitting next to her and decides to sit upstairs. Meanwhile, Aoi is making a fuss about why Usui won't fall for "her." After seeing Aoi and Usui's conflict (I'm not mentioning it), Misaki kicks/slaps them. They also reveal that Aoi is a boy who loves cute objects. Aoi is also pissed at why Misaki always wears cheap clothes which are not feminine in his mind at all. He intends to buy some clothing for Misaki but gives up in the end. They exchange information about themselves and also witness each others actions when it comes to different events. A few days later, Aoi comes into the store and gives Misaki a dress to try on. According to the rest of the staff, it looks good on her. After that, Usui comments that it turns him on... im not revealing what that is/means...

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    Side Note:

    there's not much, but i promise there will be soon. and please note that there's a Read More thingy on the bottom of each post. some ppl miss tht and start asking. llol 

    Other thing:

    just in case you're wondering. some of the animes may not start at episode 1. eventually we'll add it the episodes we're missing in. so for now just look at the ones we DO have and yeah xD


    March 2011
    October 2010



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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.