The fifth episode is titled "The first Cafe-sitting experience." It includes many funny things which happen to Misaki and some involve Usui, which makes it fun. There are some "phrases" that some parents might not approve of so watch/read at your own risk :D!
The episode starts with Yukimura having a stack of papers in front of him. For him, this amount of paper makes him nervous and unstable, but Misaki says that she would do it herself later. After this line, she hears the other student council members watching and listening to some inappropriate thing not related to student council work. She tells Yukimura to tell them, " Get ready to get spanked." Usui wanders into the staff room while Misaki says this and remarks that the phrase is normally used to "arose someone." Meanwhile, Satsuki returns with a box containing self-defense tools to protect the workers in the cafe from stalkers. Stalkers stalk the staff of cosplay cafes and could do something to them. Satsuki bought them because she heard that there were many of thos cases that were happening. She does not accept, because she proclaims that she is strong from learning Aikido. Usui questions that belief in his head. She then punishes the student council members who were doing naughty things during the time that she wasn't present and receives a "bleh" and a "jiiiiii" from Usui for no apparent reason. She then finishes all the papers left from that morning in a nick of time. She sees her friend sitting in a room, trying to do homework and walks her to the transit station. Usui scares Misaki for a second when he "breathes air onto Misaki's shoulder," startling her. Satsuki has to attend a meeting and all the other employees have to go somewhere, so Misaki decides to do cafe-sitting for the night. She assumes that all the doors and windows are locked up, but Usui temporarily acts like a stalker to stun Misaki and to prove his point that all girls are vulnerable to stalking and also that the back door is unlocked.She gets assorted cakes from the manager because of the extra stay.  The next day, she does work at the cafe until night. Just when she thinks she hears the manager coming back, two men who had entered the cafe two days in a row tie Misaki up and also threaten her. They want her to be their maid because she is very sweet and nice.They claimed to know what the real Misaki was like. Usui overheard the coverssation  and was ready to jump into the cafe to help Misaki, but she breaks apart the handcuffs and tosses the two men against the wall...HARD... Usui enters and starts laughing like crazy. He then claims Misaki as his own...who she later thanks. When the men are arrested and leave, the mangaer returns and faints after hearing that an upstairs window was destroyed by Usui.

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    Side Note:

    there's not much, but i promise there will be soon. and please note that there's a Read More thingy on the bottom of each post. some ppl miss tht and start asking. llol 

    Other thing:

    just in case you're wondering. some of the animes may not start at episode 1. eventually we'll add it the episodes we're missing in. so for now just look at the ones we DO have and yeah xD


    March 2011
    October 2010



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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.