Episode 6 is about five brothers for the Inuyama house following in the footsteps of Misaki. They form a small organization called the Ayuzawa Cram School, in which they basically do and look up to the actions of their leader, Misaki. However, she doesn't want them to learn of her part-time job, and Usui is able to aid her in escaping from the brothers to safely do her work. See what happens when you watch/read it!...
The viewers understand that the beginning of the  episode is after-school and that Misaki is preparing to go to her part-time job. She tries to escape from them by taking the train, but the three idiots follow her, which causes all the  others to come after her. Usui just HAPPENS to be there at the right time, and pulls Misaki away from the train. Usui allows her to go the train without the Cram School following her. Usui reveals to her that he has enough points and challenges Misaki to a game. He beats her and takes a picture with her. She is very gloomy/unhappy afterward. The next day, the Ayuzama Cram school appears again to greet her in the morning. With the five brothers stalking her day and night, Usui has to step in and help her hide. She contemplates whether or not she should tell the five about her part-time job. Misaki is very disturbed by them stalking her but happy that there are actually boys in the school willing to learn. The scene then changes to Maid Latte. The three idiots challenge Misaki to a game of Speed, but Misaki finishes them off at the speed of light. In the back, the staff discuss Bunny Day for tomorrow. She thinks about how she does things and teaches the five brothers Aikido back in school the next day. She goes on top of a building and tallks with Usui, discussing her part-time job, and then Usui takes out the photo taken of the two a few days ago, causing Misaki to try to take the photo, but instead, makes it start to drift to where the Ayuzawa Cram school are standing. Usui states that he will get it for her if she wants him to, causing her to ask why. Usui replies by kissing her and saying, "I like you, Ayuzawa," and jumping off the building. Misaki runs down to see what happened to him, seeing that he was all scratched up, bleeding, but had the picture. The five come to ask what happened to Usui, in which Misaki tells them to call an ambulance. Just when Misaki tries to tell them her part-time job, Usui cuts in and says that "the fact that you're mine after-school?" The Cram school is shocked and applaud their master saying thats expected. Usui then asks Misaki to nurse him in her nu

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    Side Note:

    there's not much, but i promise there will be soon. and please note that there's a Read More thingy on the bottom of each post. some ppl miss tht and start asking. llol 

    Other thing:

    just in case you're wondering. some of the animes may not start at episode 1. eventually we'll add it the episodes we're missing in. so for now just look at the ones we DO have and yeah xD


    March 2011
    October 2010



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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.