k, so as of now, sasha doesn't have his memories due to him overusing his powers. kate tells him that he used to be a girl but then a witch came and turned him into a boy, and he believes it. also, everybody is trying to help him retrieve his memories, but they're not doing too well.

sasha is like a completely different person right now. he's really shy and won't speak up for himself. he escapes his room and starts wondering around in the streets. he encounters Lizzie and a stranger. Because of his personality, lizzie doesn't know that the little boy is sasha. they force sasha into dressing up with them, and he's too shy to say no.

aww...doesn't he look so cute and adorable?

k so after dressing up in a whole bunch of costumes, they go eat and and do something in a room. suddenly a lead Qwaser shoots them from a different building. Lizzie is trying to protect all of them. The other girl is on the ground unconscious, while Sasha is being  terrified. 
thanks to lizzie though, sasha is able to get his memories back. he remembers that kindness is a sign of weakness after he finds blood on his face. he remembers that he has someone he has to protect. no one wants to deal with the normal sasha. normal sasha pwns all! >:D
sasha is able to kill the lead qwaser and protect everyone. however, after the battle, sasha and lizzie battle too. mafuyu comes and finds out that sasha has his memories again. she is overjoyed, but is completely shocked when she finds out that lizzie is a qwaser too. nonetheless, she tries to stop the two from fighting.
she is unsuccessful, but suddenly there is a scream outside. a strange guy in a cloak is holding tomo and teresa as hostage. who is this guy and what is he saying? o.o

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    Side Note:

    there's not much, but i promise there will be soon. and please note that there's a Read More thingy on the bottom of each post. some ppl miss tht and start asking. llol 

    Other thing:

    just in case you're wondering. some of the animes may not start at episode 1. eventually we'll add it the episodes we're missing in. so for now just look at the ones we DO have and yeah xD


    March 2011
    October 2010



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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
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