you can now do replys, and specify an email address for alerts when people reply to you. not that there're enough people to make that very useful... also, there's now an rss feed for each set of comments, in case.. idk. in case you're bored? mm... btw reply if i made a fail somewheres..

oh, and use chrome instead of firefox until i can find the reason firefox hates my new script.... sorry about that..
EDIT: I've finished now. more details in the next blog post..

they might be really weird for a couple days. or weeks. idk when ima have time to work on them..
In other words, expect a whole ton more new games than normal. I've already added two today. And a lot of minor typo issues.. general beautifying. And then there's the Falling Sand page. Even though that isn't the actual name for it I think... I should fix that sooner or later. Mmmm meanwhile.. back to studying.




currently working on making the site look more prettyful. mostly the games section. with js and buttons. especially the java part. and i'm trying to find a workaround for take things literally. wmode doesnt solve everything :/
also fixed some descriptions that i'd forgotten about and other minor stuffs like that. it should all be right now. mmm it occurs to me that there are now like no action games... lol. also, its may now. just a reminder.
So idk why im bothering. Mmm well I added a couple new games. That seems to be all that ever happens...
K so the watch anime bleh now links to somewhere where you can actually watch more than 2 episodes. We've taken down a couple old pages and what not. or something. Kthxbai.
Mhm. Added a couple games not on the unadded games list btw. This should become the game blog because thats all that ever gets into here because the anime and art part of the site is all but dead. :/
that means i added a new game.
I haven't done that for a long time... :/

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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.