Now it's in a much better place. saves a lot of space. :D (negative margin ftw unless i find a better way)
Sorry for all you IE users out there. The games all have wmode="opaque" property, so the up and down arrow keys will scroll. I don't have a fix for that. Well actually, I do. Just use Chrome. Or at least Firefox. Nothing else I can do. :/ (As you can tell, I don't use IE a lot. So It took me about two months to figure this out...)
Mostly adding more games. I'm sure the "New Anime - October" will be fixed eventually, but that's not my job. So, uh... yeah.
Just because I feel like it. And there's less chance of accidentally hitting a link and losing all progress o.o I'm using the Armor Games free website games page and to download most of the games.
:D I added a search box! Third party stuffs.. I used FreeFind. It's pretty good. I was looking everywhere for a search engine that I could add without uploading anything. Weebly doesn't allow its users to upload stuffs to the root directory, so none of those would work. So... umm... yeah.
More will be added later.
hehee isnt the home page sparkly? i mean the cursor tho, but obviously you knew that, right? xD 
if i find something better ill change it of course, but in the meantime just enjoy that for now.
instead of using wmode="transparent" in the <embed> tags, from now on, I'll be using wmode="opaque". "What's the difference?" you might ask. Well basically, transparent makes the background transparent while opaque keeps the color while still putting the embedded object in the right z-index. That means that Avalanche and Bubble Tanks are fixed. And they shouldn't lag as much either, because it's easier to keep the background than to remove it. Duh. It's okay if you didn't understand most of that... A buncha CSS and HTML terms in there. But if you do, then good for you, and remember not to do what I did.
Now the menu works there, and they're smaller.
But I've found two other sites with the games I want, so I'll use those if I can't find a game

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ESC to close. thats al joo can haz fr nao.
btw, you cant save yet, and the title is sorta meaningless.